Code of Conduct

For Students:
• School Diary is the true record of a student’s academic performance and conduct. It must be maintained with utmost care.
• Every student must have a copy of the School Calendar and it must be brought to school on every class day. A student who does not have his diary may be sent back home. Losing a school calendar is a serious fault.
• No remarks once written in the diary can be cancelled by anyone other than Director/ Principal.
• Two General Observations would amount to one General Remark which is a very serious breach of discipline and hence a deterrent to promotion or even dismissal from the School. An Observation is given in case of a minor breach of discipline.
• Every student must possess an identity card issued by the school. This card must be renewed periodically. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each article should be marked with the pupil’s name.
• No student will be allowed to leave the school campus during school hours except on the strength of a written request from his parent and due authorization by the Principal.
• Students are to address their teachers and all members of the School staff with due respect and politeness. Arrogant and challenging behavior towards teaching or non-teaching staff is forbidden on their way to and from school students must behave in a gentlemanly manner.
• Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, bad conduct, stealing, drug abuse, any form of verbal or written obscenity, using unfair means in examination or sickness liable to be injurious to other boys justify dismissal.
• Students are not allowed to bring to school. Electronic gadgets, Cell phone, digital watches and diaries, toys, calculators, video games, pen drives, PSPS, DVDS, CDs, portable audio and video devices and any mass storage devices are forbidden in the school Students who bring any of the above items are liable to be penalized. It would mean confiscation of the unit suspension for a period of one week and a fine of Rs. 1000.
• Any damage to school property must be made good by the student concerned.
• No. books, periodicals, comics, newspaper or printed matter of an objectionable nature, must he brought into the school.
• It is mandatory for all students to speak only in English in the school campus. Serious steps will be taken against those found speaking vernacular in school campus at any time. This rule is applicable even on holidays.
• The school uniform is a sacred and prized possession of a student. It symbolizes the ethos and culture of the school, of which the student is an integral part. Any violation of its sanctity calls for firm disciplinary action such as suspension, termination etc. Visits to restaurants, cinema, multiplexes other public places etc. in school uniform is a serious breach of discipline inviting action. Hair coloring, using styling gel and fashionable hair cults are not allowed in school. Students who have begun to shave must have a clean shaven face.
• Any Student formed using unfair means in any of the examination wil be deferred from the promotion.

For Parents / Guardians :-

• Parents retain their rights and duties in the education of their children, even though they delegate them in part to the school. The support and collaboration of parents is in all cases considered indispensable for the success of the work of education carried out by the school.
• Parents POSITIVE COOPERATION with the school is absolutely essential for the constructive upbringing of their son/ward.They are strongly exhorted to co-operate with the school:

a) By urging their wards to be regular and punctual in attendance.
b) By checking the school diary on a regular basis.
c) By Seeing that their wards are diligent at their homework and lessons.
d) By not engaging private tutors without consulting the school authorities.
e) By insisting on neatness and cleanliness in their books and personal appearance.

• Periodical reports and the report card will keep parents/ guardians informed of the progress of their wards.
• Parents/Guardians are not allowed to see their wards or to meet teachers, during class hours without the special permission from Director/Principal.
• Admittance into the school premises is at the sole discretion of the school authorities, who reserve to themselves the right to refuse admission to anyone without assigning any reason whatsoever.
• School campus has no smoking area on all days. Please do not bring disposable bottles and plastic items to school.
• Exemplary behavior is expected from students and parents in the school campus and outside the school campus.
• Though the school takes care of your ward while in school, the school cannot be held responsible for any self inflicted or accidental mishap/injury, physical or otherwise, that may befall on your son/ward.
• Parents/Guardians threatening the school by various methods, by leveling malicious or false allegations or spreading rumors or giving false information which tends to bring into disrepute the school or its employees or spreading panic among them might result in issuing a transfer certificate to their son/ward from the school.
• All communication to the school should be addressed to the Principal.

For Boarders:
• Boarders are required to speak in English among themselves or in Dormitories and during games etc. This is compulsory.
• Boarders have to be disciplined in every aspect. Their conduct, language, relationship with other boarders will be constantly monitored indiscipline means expulsion from the hostel and the school.
• Boarders should protect their personal belongings and belongings of others.
• Boarders are advised not to bring any costly article to the hostel. In case if they lose such articles they will be responsible for their loss. Electronic Devices-MOBILE, DVD, CAMERA etc, are strictly prohibited. If any such item is found in boarder’s possession, strict action will be taken against him.
• Boarders have to maintain cleanliness in hostel, dining hall and dormitories at all costs.
• Boarders are not allowed to go out of the hostel/ school premises without the permission of the hostel warden. No outside night stay is allowed under any circumstances.
• Boarders have to follow the schedule of work and activities/ time table etc. strictly.
• Money transaction and exchange of gifts is not allowed in the hostel.
• Parents/guardians are not allowed to enter the dormitories under any circumstances. Parents may come to school at specified time on fixed days and meet their wards in the Guest Room only.
• Parents/ Guardians can visit their wards from 09:00 am To 04:00 pm on the second Sunday of the month. No Visit of parents/ outsiders is allowed after 6:00pm.
• Food parcels from parents are not at all encouraged. Only limited packed/sealed items are acceptable.
• Boarders must use only fair means in the examination’s Any boarder using unfair means will be expelled from the hostel and the school.
• The overall Progress of a boarder in academic and his participation in CCA as per School schedule is constantly Monitored. Any slackness in this regard is not tolerated.
• Boarders are expected to wear casual dress, school uniform, sports uniform, night dress etc. regularly at specified times without giving any excuses. Defaulters will be punished.
• Only vegetarian meals are served in the School Hostel Mess.
• In case of illness, the principal will inform the guardian at his discretion. If a child is admitted to hospital, a communication is sent to the guardian and the parents.
• The school authority does not accept any responsibility for accidents that may happen in the hostel in spite of all precaution taken by the school staff and authority.
• The principal has the right to ask a parent to withdraw the child form the hostel if the child does not obey the hostel Rules and regulation.
• Attending extra coaching classes and games in the evening is compulsory for each boarder.
• A boarder is expected to display decency and discipline in and out of the school.
• The principal has the right to ask a parent to withdraw the child form the hostel if the child does not obey the hostel Rules and regulation.
• Attending extra coaching classes and games in the evening is compulsory for each boarder.
• A boarder is expected to display decency and discipline in and out of the school.