Bhartiyam vidyapeeth school has a rich tradition of pursuing academic excellence, value based education and providing a conducive environment for overall personality development of students. In addition to their excellent teaching, the faculty members are actively involved in the grooming of the students.
The teaching pedagogy practiced at Bhartiyam vidyapeeth is much comprehensive and is also ensuring inclusion of objective from New Education Policy.
My personal value creation and transfer method includes thematic setups to bring down the pure sight of the following lines
Watch your thoughts as they become your words,
Watch your words as they become your actions,
Watch your actions as they become your habits
Watch your habits as they become your character
Watch your character as it becomes your destiny.
At BHARTIYAM VIDYAPEETH we strongly believe in human values and our commitment to the Nation and humanity.
Accordingly, our teaching-learning process is based on motivating factors, discipline, although in relaxed natural ambience. We are determined to help our students to understand the power of words, appreciate the beauty of languages, and learn the art, science and technology. At Bhartiyam vidyapeeth school , infrastructure, curriculum, Teachers and students i.e. four basic component of education system are perfectly blended to ensure our vision .
We have created a secured, congenial and serene environment for both boys and girls students to make it their coveted educational destination. And we are only in the process of further development.

Bhartiyam Vidyapeeth, Datia